Here’s Why Many Companies Prefer Unarmed Security Guards

Security guards can help businesses provide their employees and customers with a sense of safety, and also reduce theft and other adverse economic factors. For many businesses, security is and should be a top priority.

Most business owners know and understand the importance of hiring professional security guards. Determining the type of security guard to hire to protect your place of business, on the other hand, can be challenging. While some businesses may opt to hire armed security guards to protect especially sensitive sites, most companies are probably better suited with unarmed security officers in Mohave County, AZ.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider hiring an unarmed security guard rather than an armed security presence for your commercial site:

  • Affordability: Because armed security officers need to be licensed to carry a firearm, and they carry a gun, holster and other expensive equipment, they are substantially more expensive to hire than unarmed security officers in Mohave County, AZ. You can achieve the same level of protection for a lower cost by opting for an unarmed security guard.
  • Peace of mind: The ultimate goal of a security officer is to help your customers and employees feel safe while they are spending time in your commercial space. For some people, however, the presence of an armed guard may make them feel uncomfortable. You can provide everyone with a greater sense of safety and peace of mind by opting for an unarmed security officer in Mohave County, AZ.
  • Lower incident risk: Accidents do occur, and they can be tragic, especially when guns are involved. You can mitigate the risk of incidents occurring by opting for unarmed security officers. Even though armed security guards are highly trained professionals, firefights may result in injury or death for bystanders and civilians. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, you should work with unarmed security guards.
  • Equally effective protection: In most instances, the presence of a highly trained security officer alone is enough to prevent and repel any potential criminal activity. If you are concerned about the possibility of criminal activity at your commercial site, you should work with a professional security team to determine the level and type of protection that suits your site the best. Generally speaking, unarmed security guards are the most appropriate deterrent for most businesses.

Mohave Security LHC has been a premier source of unarmed security officers in Mohave County, AZ for nearly a decade. We are a bonded, licensed and insured company offering high-quality security services to businesses and institutions of all sizes. You can count on us to provide you with the most dependable security officers in the region. We are a family owned and operated business that specializes in providing customized services depending on our clients’ needs.

Whether you’re looking for event security, commercial site safety officers or residential protection, you can rely on Mohave Security LHC to provide you with the courteous and customized service you need to stay safe and protect your assets.

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